KK Malew 1728/9
The last will and testament of Thomas Mylrea of Ballaquaile who died about the twenty-third day of December last. First he committed his soul to God and body to a Christian burial. Item he bequeathed unto his niece Elizabeth Norris ten shillings. Item he bequeathed unto his sister Bessie Norris sixpence legacy and appointed sixpence legacy to any other that would demand any right unto his goods and lastly appointed his sister Catherine McYlrea whole executor of all the rest of his goods moveable and immoveable.

Witnesses Thomas Cain his mark X, William Quacken his mark X ] jurati

The executrix sworn in form of law and gave pledges the witnesses. Probatum est & solvit



  1. Fildraw family
  2. Thomas was the second son of John McYlrea & Margaret Gellin, born 1662
  3. He married Catherine Bell 7th November 1686, but after perhaps only one child, wife Catherine died in 1699
  4. The child (Jony) was profoundly disabled but as her mother's heiress, inherited rights to land in Ballaquaile. Her tale is told in Mylreas in Ballaquaile and Fildraw
  5. Thomas died in December 1728 aged about 66 years
  6. He did not remarry, leaving bequests to his sister named Bessie Norris and his niece also named Elizabeth Norris, who was the daughter of Thomas's older brother, John. Both his sister and niece had married men named Tom Norris!
  7. The story of Thomas, his wife Cath Bell and daughter Jony is told in Mylreas in Ballaquaile and Fildraw
  8. There is much about the Malew Mylreas of the 1600s and early 1700s that does not hang together so extreme caution must be exercised

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Last updated: Sept 2013