Issable Millrea departed this life the 9th of August 1651 intestate the ........... having intelligence thereof hath decreed her children John Cabin and Catherin Cabin Administrators the children that are at age on the mother...... to be overseers of the children under age. The husband sworn to bring in inventory within 4days
Salvo tamen vincing suo juro Decretum et solvit 6d
The inventory of Issable Millrea which doth amount to (amount) and her half of the parcel of land bought the .... rent 4d with all customs thereunto belonging as for the 2(amount) father of on the ................... of the Administrators and the parcel of land for her brother John if they both agree when the executor at lawful years as for the (amount) it is in the .... hands of one of the supervisors being brother to Catherine Cabeene on the mother’s side also Robert Cabeene hath .... to give to Thomas Caine and to his own sister (amount) in money or the worth .... his wife’s so to be
Pledges Thomas Bell, Thomas Caine
- Issable was buried 10th August 1651 (Illora)
- She might have been the daughter of Ales (Alice?) Bell but there is no information to help
- There is much about the Malew Mylreas of the 1600s and early 1700s that does not hang together so extreme caution must be exercised
- For further insights into the Malew Mylreas, please refer to Mylreas in Ballaquaile and Fildraw
Associated Documents
- Story: The Fatally Flawed Family of Fildraw