From Summary of Wills, A Manx Notebook
[not 100% sure of year] son Thos Mcillrea exor; dau-i-law Alice Bell; names Jo Corkill, Will Brew, Henry? Brew; witt Jo Corkill clark, Will Brew?
- The earliest Mylrea will for Malew
- Old enough to be a mother-in-law so born c1550
- Annas might well have been the matriarch of a family of Mylreas who endured in Malew for nearly two centuries
- The will of her daughter in law, Alice, identifies 5 children: Finlo, Thomas, Isabel, John, Hugh
- There is much about the Malew Mylreas of the 1600s and early 1700s that does not hang together so extreme caution must be exercised
- For further insights into the Malew Mylreas, please refer to Mylreas in Ballaquaile and Fildraw
Associated Documents
- 1619 Will: Thomas McYlrea (son?)
- 1643 Will: Margaret Bridson als Marillrea (grand daughter?)
- 1648 Will: Ales (Alice) Milera als Bell (daughter-in-law)
- 1648 Will: Hugh McYlleriah (grand son)
- 1650 Will: Ffinloe McYlleriah (grand son)
- 1654 Will: John McYlleriah (grand son)
- 1658 Power of Attorney: Jane Marillrea (great grand daughter)
- Story: The Fatally Flawed Family of Fildraw